Moving from Primary to Secondary School
Year 6 is a very important time for the children and one of our aims at Oasis Academy Parkwood is to prepare them for the next stage in their school career. The move from Year 6 to Year 7 can be daunting but also very exciting and we work alongside our main feeder school, Melior Community Academy, to make this transition as smooth and stress-free as possible.
The process starts during Year 5 when children are given the opportunity to visit Melior Community Academy to experience a range of different lessons including ICT, Drama and Science, enabling them to gain an insight into what they can expect and all the opportunities that will be on offer. Throughout Year 5/6, the Schools Sports partnership also provides the opportunity for children to compete against other Y5/6 children from other feeder schools with prior training often offered by specialist teachers from Melior Community Academy.
The Year 6 teachers liaise closely with all the schools that our children will be attending to create a profile of assessment data and transition needs for each child. All secondary schools send a representative member of staff to meet the children and discuss with them what their new school will be like. Year 7 pupils will also visit our school to conduct question and answer sessions with our children to give them a different perspective.
During the summer term all Year 6 children attend their prospective secondary schools for a Transition Day where they meet their form tutors and take part in lessons.
When your child begins Year 6, you will automatically be sent the application forms for secondary school, which normally need to be returned by the autumn half term break. Listed on the form will be the secondary school that your child will automatically have a place allocated for. If you would prefer to try for another school then you will need to put that on the form, but it would be advisable to check out the school’s admission’s criteria.
Secondary Schools normally hold official Open Days/Evenings either in the summer or autumn term. It can be difficult deciding which school to go to but our best advice would be to go to their Open Days or book an appointment with the Headteacher to visit the school during the day. Take your child with you – you’ll be surprised how much you’ll learn about each school by going to visit. Also, feel free to discuss any concerns you may have with your child’s Y6 class teacher.
For more information, visit the Melior Community Academy website.