
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Remote Learning


Remote Learning - January 2021

With the national lockdown and schools reduced opening, we have now moved all classes to remote education excluding those children still accessing onsite provision in line with Government guidelines.


Learning From Home

The use of Teams. 

As we progress through the term, staff will be using Teams more to provide live check in and live lessons with the children. 

By February half term:   

  • Years 5 and 6 will endeavour to provide live lessons  three times a day. 
  • Years 3 and 4 will endeavour to provide daily live check ins and some live teaching each week  
  • Key stage 1 will endeavour to provide a daily check in and some resources that are recorded for the children by school staff 

Useful Websites 

These websites are very useful and can be accessed by all children across all year groups to help with online learning. Click the icons below to go to their page.