Behaviour & Rewards
It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly according to their needs. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. We believe that these values combined with rights, responsibilities, routines and rewards will result in the best behaviour for learning.
The school rewards good behaviour, as we believe that this is the best way to develop an ethos of kindness and cooperation. This policy shows how and when we encourage and praise good behaviour and self-discipline. We are all free to make our own choices. Good choices lead to good consequences (rewards) whereas poor choices lead to bad consequences (sanctions).
Reward Examples
Daily | Weekly | Termly |
Smiles, positive comments and praise | Pupil of the week certificate | Special privileges (bouncy castle, entertainer, non uniform..) |
Stickers | Special table | Writing awards |
Dojo points | Mathlete of the week | Maths awards |
Principal's stickers | Reading certificate | Platinum time |
Whole school trips can be rewarded to pupils for yearly good behaviour and attendance. We also have a bi-yearly Oasis National Student Awards ceremony, where all of the Oasis academies from across the country gather and celebrate the outstanding behaviour of a handful of students from each academy. Whether that is for community mindfulness, displaying the 9 Habits or academic excellence, there is an award for all.
Want to find out more about our rewards? Read our Reward Ladder